Friday, February 4, 2011

Madelyn Realizing Snow For The First Time...

We have had quite a few snow days in the past 2 years and in Madelyn's short 15 months of life. This morning was the first time she really knew that something was different. We stepped into the garage this morning as Jason was getting the snow off his car to let Madelyn touch the snow and she just laughed and then frowned a bit when she realized how cold the snow was on her hand! Enjoy the video!!


  1. Awww! That is the cutest thing ever! The look on her face is so adorable!!! :-)

  2. HOW CUTE! I can't believe how big she is!!!

  3. Cant wait to see my Maddie Mae Sat...Cant come soon enough..and my sweet Mallory and Mason! Hugs are sure needed!!Mom
